Yes, I've had to have excessive adhesions removed twice, both (unfortunately) in emergency situations.
Sharon is right, it is tricky in that they need to be removed & broken up, but the surgery itself can cause more to grow. HOWEVER, there are two things which can help prevent excess adhesions from returning: First is having a knowledgeable and skilled surgeon, which it sounds like you have covered. So a big sigh of relief right there!
The second is the use of an anti-adhesion liquid in & around the surgical site itself. Some surgeons use it as a matter of course, others only in certain situations, others not. So be sure to ask about it; it isn't a big deal. Basically the surgeon just squirts it in before closing you up; for the next few days you (or a nurse or someone) gently manipulates the area around the opening to make sure everything is well-coated (oh my, it sounds like breading chicken, doesn't it?
) and the stuff is fully absorbed.
It does not work for everyone exactly the same way, but it has been shown to be effective particularly for abdominal surgeries. Worth a shot!