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Hi Patti,

I don't make a lot of adhesions (thankfully) but have had 2 surgeries through laporoscopy to fix other k pouch related problems where they also cut/removed adhesions that were strangulating my small bowel and causing blockages.

Adhesion surgery is a double edged sword. On the one hand you need it to break them up, cut them loose and liberate certain areas. On the other, the more you go in and cut the more you make. You need a good surgeon who knows what they are doing and doesn't do too much.

Laporscopy is preferable whenever possible (less traumatic) but not always an option.

You are in good hands and have an excellent surgeon....

Good luck


Yes, I've had to have excessive adhesions removed twice, both (unfortunately) in emergency situations.


Sharon is right, it is tricky in that they need to be removed & broken up, but the surgery itself can cause more to grow. HOWEVER, there are two things which can help prevent excess adhesions from returning: First is having a knowledgeable and skilled surgeon, which it sounds like you have covered. So a big sigh of relief right there!


The second is the use of an anti-adhesion liquid in & around the surgical site itself. Some surgeons use it as a matter of course, others only in certain situations, others not. So be sure to ask about it; it isn't a big deal. Basically the surgeon just squirts it in before closing you up; for the next few days you (or a nurse or someone) gently manipulates the area around the opening to make sure everything is well-coated (oh my, it sounds like breading chicken, doesn't it? ) and the stuff is fully absorbed.


It does not work for everyone exactly the same way, but it has been shown to be effective particularly for abdominal surgeries. Worth a shot!




thank you much.  I have had sooooo many abdominal surgeries so I'm sure those nasty adhesions are like spider webs..into everything.  yes, I am in good hands and I know I have to have faith that this will be the right thing to do.  I just know that the last time (10 years ago) my ob/gyn and colon rectal surgeon in Pgh. hospital tried to do a hysterectomy on me it failed because of all the adhesions, they actually cut into my small bowel and almost ruined my pouch then, but then again, that was in Pgh. not Cleveland.  Decisions are the most annoying! I just hope I'm doing the right thing.  Thanks again.

Hi Patti,
I just had adhesion removal surgery on January 29th of this year. 12 weeks later I am finally starting to feel myself again. What everyone is saying is correct; this surgery can just lead to more adhesions...but sometimes it's the only option. My biggest piece of advice to you is to ask what you should/shouldn't be eating after surgery, before you're discharged from the hospital. I had no guidance and was lucky to find some really sweet people on here who jumped right in with suggestions. I ended up contracting C-Diff and also ended up with a diagnosis of SIBO so my post surgical complications may have been a bit exaggerated compared to others...but the gas was unbelievable! Avoid dairy and take in lots of ginger �� good luck and let us know if you have any more questions. We're here for you!

thanks everyone!  I wonder how much of a trouble my hernia will give the surgeon when she tries to remove the adhesions.  I was advised by Dr. Shen to leave the hernia alone, sometimes he said they can be more of a trouble after operation, so I will take heed to his advise.  I just wish I could also get relief from the pain, etc that my bottom keeps giving me.  I use lidocaine 5%, and all the other stuff but it seems as soon as I have a bowel movement, ouch starts all over again.  I don't think that fissure healed at all.  I guess when I go for my pre-op visit I need to discuss all of these things.  Sometimes I feel like the Dr. get tired of me complaining of pain, but you would think in today's medical world that there should be something magical out there to relieve butt burn and pain...??? Have a good day everyone.  Hopefully where ever  you are you have sunshine...we got snow again here at the great lakes...where is spring?

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