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Hi all,
Post Jpouch surgery 23 years and about 15 years ago the adhesion's began to take their toll and now I am classed as having severe adhesion's to the point diet is an absolute nightmare.
Can't eat fruit or vegetables, barely any fiber at all.

Anyone else suffering similar and if so how do you manage your diet.

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Hi JONW, First of all, let me say how horrible that must be! My surgery was in 2011 and it was 2 years ago that I had my first blockage due to scar tissue/adhesions, I think. It was not fun, but it cleared quickly. I had another blockage about a year later. By the time it happened, I knew the feeling and did a vigorous self-massage, which made me have vomiting and diarrhea, but it did clear. I have not altered my diet, except to avoid corn, because no matter how much I chew, I am not sure it can be broken down into little enough pieces. I routinely eat salads for lunch and sauteed kale. Veggies are supposed to be good to the guy microbiome, so I figure that helps. I just make sure I am chewing my food really well. If I have the symptoms of a blockage, I am going to do a vigorous self massage of my abdomen, even if it makes me vomit, because this is better than weeks in the hospital, and NG tube, and possible surgery.  Those are my thoughts. There may be others with more experience and hopefully they will respond.

A physical therapist and a chiropracter with additional soft tissue training have both worked on my adhesions. Not all PT do this but some have the training. After success from these treatments I do self massage. Not as vigorous as RHOLT but enough to breakup adhesions.  I can now feel them. I also had them lysed during my j-pouch removal surgeries. They rarely operate just to lyse them. Hopefully one of your doctors can help you figure out how to deal with them.

I eat a daily plant protein smoothie made with various frozen fruits including a cup of blueberries, a banana, an apple carrots and kale. You might want to try a similar smoothie to get your daily fruit and vegetables incorporated into your diet.

Yes my surgery was 40 years ago for K Pouch.

I now have problems with adhesions. Only in more recent years.

Homeopathy has helped to some extent.

If I take Imodium at night this makes matters worse. Bear in mind Imodium can create abdominal cramps. This can confuse matters.

I do keep to a healthy diet and cannot tolerate fats as this speeds up the K Pouch.


RHolt posted:

Hi JONW, First of all, let me say how horrible that must be! My surgery was in 2011 and it was 2 years ago that I had my first blockage due to scar tissue/adhesions, I think. It was not fun, but it cleared quickly. I had another blockage about a year later. By the time it happened, I knew the feeling and did a vigorous self-massage, which made me have vomiting and diarrhea, but it did clear. I have not altered my diet, except to avoid corn, because no matter how much I chew, I am not sure it can be broken down into little enough pieces. I routinely eat salads for lunch and sauteed kale. Veggies are supposed to be good to the guy microbiome, so I figure that helps. I just make sure I am chewing my food really well. If I have the symptoms of a blockage, I am going to do a vigorous self massage of my abdomen, even if it makes me vomit, because this is better than weeks in the hospital, and NG tube, and possible surgery.  Those are my thoughts. There may be others with more experience and hopefully they will respond.

well sorry to  say  i cannot eat salads , breads , fruits , veggies , not  eaten in many  years now, and still get  blocked by creamed potatoes, I guess its back to lactose free ice cream again and fried eggs


I can eat white meat, creamed potatoe, pasta, chocolate, eggs, cous cous, small amount of basmati rice (no idea why only basmati)......thats about it and some of these I can only have small amounts and not two days in a row.
Its a very boring and very bland diet but the alternative would be a stoma.
I try to focus on what I can do and eat rather than what I cannot.....go to the gym (always perks me up), spend as much time with my son as possible and always wake up positive and happy of a morning.

Sorry to hear your diet is so restricted.

I feel your pain for sure. I have chronic obstructions due to adhesions. I had my last clean out 2.5yrs ago. 5 obstructions. There are times all I can eat is mashed up sweet potatoes and juice. But now due to a new diagnosis of type 1 diabetes they have no idea what I will be able to eat. I have a appointment next week with a diabetic dietitian. Drs are very concerned due to jpouch diet and diabetic diet being so different. Doing things outside of work that I actually enjoy is a necessity. Definitely important to keep my legs and mind moving. 

Sonja, cut way back on juice. One small bottle of juice will send your diabetic blood sugar skyrocketing because it is concentrated, with several fresh oranges in one bottle and you wouldn't normally eat several fresh oranges in one sitting. Also be careful how you portion sweet potatoes. They are a bit better for you nutritionally than white potatoes, but still there is sugar. You're right, the food that is recommended for j pouchers (white potatoes, white rice, bread, pasta, bananas) to help thicken output is not always the best for diabetics. You will learn from your diabetes dietician about choosing COMPLEX carbs instead of simple carbs (above) and eating soluble fiber AND a protein at every meal to slow down any sugar spikes. It will all become second nature as you progress through type 1 diabetes. You will manage.

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