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What sort of accommodation are you asking for? A well-functioning J-pouch doesn’t really cause a disability. I suppose a workplace without a functioning toilet would be unreasonable for a healthy J-poucher, likewise a workplace that made it impossible to stay hydrated. If your pouch isn’t functioning well then you may indeed be disabled by that, if it can’t be treated successfully - in that case the disability might be something like (for example) “fecal incontinence due to refractory pouchitis.”

I kind of have the same questions as Scott. I have had a J Pouch for 32 years and been a trial attorney for that period of time and never needed an accommodation from any of 5 different law firms I worked at. Most people don't know I have a J Pouch, or what it is. If you have some untreatable pouchitis going on, or incontinence from same, that is one thing. But I do not believe that just having a J Pouch without any other identifiable issue qualifies for an ADA accommodation.

Last edited by CTBarrister

Requesting to be kept in my slower less streeful environment like they have allowed me for the past few years and worked out well. Still pull my share of the weight. New young supervisor thinks he knows everything about everything ! medicine works well but, it isn’t a magic cure ! I still suffer from fatigue and at times don’t eat for 12-13-14 before my shift begins so I don’t have to deal with any flares….. just the nature of my job !

If you have a good gi dr that is willing to write a letter supporting your physical issues following jpouchbyrs you can get coverage under ADA/disability

im on social security and everything is fine . I have had a short gi dr ad have adrs note for physciatry

they have to know what to say in the letter

i get questionares every yrs from social sec administration which I fill out that I’m still disabled

I’m in the group of jpouchers who eliminates 10 12 times a day and a jpouch is the best option /gold standard

you can claim disability ad get ada bsthroom accomodations

a good dr makes all the difference

best to you


I have this same question.  I'm an hourly employee and need to clock in by 7:00 AM or am counted late.  This isn't a problem for the most part, but I have been late a few times - due to sometimes oversleeping.  I wake up at night to go to the bathroom at least once a night and sometimes I don't go back to sleep right away.   It's not a lot to ask to cut me some slack I don't think, especially when salary employees can say "working from home this morning". 

I was told from the start from my surgeon having a pouch or an end ileo (bag) was not considered a disability. And I don't consider myself disabled. Now I know a Dr can skirt the issue with a note. Maybe. Or unless you have a real disability along with a pouch. I could see it.

But I see it as having a pouch or bag is not a disability. The government would not see that as a claim to collect ss disability benefits.

My opinion is its not a disability. It may cause us problems. But I worked with uc. A pouch and an end ileo. For decades with uc. It was horrible. But none were a disability.  And I counted one time. One shift. One night. I went to the bathroom 40 times. But I still did my job. And it wasn't a desk job. I drove a forklift. Loaded trailers. Alot more than that. But I forged through it all.

I am so against anyone saying that I am disabled. Because I am not, sorry.

My opinion.

My experiences.


to piggy back on mystic cobras response,  i have mental health issues. i.e anxiety an d depression to go with not having a colon.  im going to disagree here and state that if you have a *Good* gastroenteroligist yes its possible for him or her to write a proper letter  to go along with your diagnoses in supporting you being legally disabled.   my physciatrist wrote a letter for social security administration and my gastrointeroligist.

going to the bathroom as a 9 percenter 10 times a day could be considered disabeling, you have to have a doctor that knows how to  write a good letter

the disabiity police arent going to come to your door and "check" you

ive been getting ssdi for 22 years, yes it is possible. dont believe everything one person says as a one size fits all

What I was trying to say is my opinion.

Having a pouch or a bag alone and nothing else going on mentally or physically as I am. That alone is not a disability.

I understand that people have other physical or mental limitations that qualify for disability.

I'm just trying to say in my case it is not a disability whatsoever. Before or after the colon. It. What I have now has made my life 100% better than it was in the decades prior.

And even with what I have now I still go to the bathroom 10-15 times a day on average.

I never looked into getting ssdi.

I am the most *normal " now than I have been in close to 30 years. And I guess and think I am so fortunate to have come out of my mess on the good side. It was a horrible journey I thought would never end. But I found peace. And am grateful.

If I. My opinion for myself. If I applied for disability it would be deceptive of me to do it. And it would be easy to do. As I have said many times what I have alone is not a disability and is more of a "cure" to all the issues I had. My curse is gone. And I realize alot of people do not get to the point I'm at without having ended up with anxiety or depression issues.  Of course I had them. But I left them behind. With my colon and J pouch.

I'm sorry some of my comments may offend anyone. Not meant to.

Having a pouch or end ileo alone and no other issues is not a disability.


If you need it go for it.

My wife is disabled. She can't even get it. They have refused her several times. And she is truly disabled. So some get it some don't. What gets me is she really is a candidate for it but refuse to give it to her.

That is where my thoughts go.

I'm not saying you don't deserve what you have.

But alot of people skirt the system and those who don't are just left out in the cold.

Like my wife.

It's a sore spot for me. I see her and her pain everyday. But a judge makes a decision and says no. Total bs.


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