I'm probably going to get slammed for this. I ask that you please read my whole message before I get slammed.
I used to work in a very large mall. And when I say large, I mean the largest mall for literally hundreds of miles in either direction. And we got people from all over. (including different states--with different laws)
Our store did not have a public bathroom. In fact, we only had one toilet and it was unisex. And often wasn't working. <- Important statement right there!
The mall had lots of public restrooms. Male, female and family. The major department stores (there were 4, one on each end and two in the middle) that had public restrooms upstairs and down. You honestly didn't have to go far to get to one. My store was actually the first store outside of one of those major department stores.
WE had an employee backroom that we would literally get fired for letting a customer back there. We had product that had "release dates" that if we broke, we could be sued. We had our personal stuff back there. Personnel files with sensitive information (like SSN numbers, etc) by the manager's desk and so on... Plenty of reason to respect the employees only sign on the door.
We heard the employee back room bell go off. AT this point in time, our only bathroom was again broke and even the employees had to go to the major department store. I go back there to see who is doing what.
It was a lady who did not work for us and I had not seen. I had been with our manager for a while so I knew no one had asked permission to back there and have an escort or anything.
I told the lady she had to leave the back room she was searching.
She got mad at me and informed me that by law I had to let her use the restroom.
I told her that I couldn't let her stay in the backroom. Period. I would be fired. It would be different if she talked to the manager first. And it would be different if we had a working restroom she had permission to use. She just kept going off on me.
The law said the Mall had to offer her a public restroom. And they did.
How hard would it have been to come up to an employee and ask "I have a situation and can't hold it to get to the next public restroom. May I use your employee restroom?"
When the potty was working, we had several parents come to us with their small, toddler age, potty training children (and a few pregnant women) and ask for an emergency potty. If ours was working, we did escort them back there and let them use it. But this woman was just so rude little did she know if she found and flushed the commode, she would have been soaked as it overflowed on her while she zipped up!
I understand that sometimes you can't hold it. Been there, done that. But I also understand to respect "employee only" signs and ask permission if I don't easily see a sign that says "restroom" or the like. I would ask for a restroom simply because I didn't have time to search for said sign!
when I was reading this article and follow up post, that situation was the first thought I had. And thought I would share. I know some of you will know exactly where I'm coming from.
