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Just a heads up. . .my employer required me to waive my HIPAA rights to be eligible for health insurance (illegal) so I am looking on my Colorado Health Care exchange. One thing I have noticed is that none of the plans I've looked at cover 'Inpatient Hospital Services.' What exactly that is, I'm not sure, but probably expensive things like the room, etc.

So, just be careful if you are buying a health plan. From what I've read, these plans do not meet the ACA minimum eligibility requirement.
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Please report your employer to your state insurance commissioner if that is true. You may be asked to sign something that allows providers and your insurance company to communicate about you and your info, so they have the ability to bill for your services and get reimbursed, but they don't have the right to allow these entities to share your info beyond that relationship. Were they asking you to give up broader rights than that?

"Hospitalization" is considered an Essential Health Benefit and must be included in any private health plan sold on the marketplace exchanges, whether the federal or a state specific exchange website. I would ask more questions...

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