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Not on here very often these days as things have been going OK. I have just been diagnosed with a peri anal abscess. It is very painful and will need to be surgically drained. Has anyone had one? If so was the recovery painful? Also I have just started to have leakages. Why, and will this go back to normal after the surgery?
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I know just how you feel. I was just released a few days ago from the hospital. I had been having anal pain and pressure for several months and my GI couldn't tell me what was going on. I was in so much pain daily.
About a few months ago I started spiking fevers off and on and in and out of the hospital for severe dehydration. I finally got a referral to a colon and rectal surgeon 4 hours away. He found a 1/4" track starting from my anastomosis that lead to a pocket about the size of a half of a baseball size of infection. He cut the opening to allow draining, put packing and is hoping this ends my suffering.
CURRENTLY I'm experiencing pressure pain daily, water faucet diareah 15-20+ times a day! Before the surgery I had gotten my restroom use down to about 5-7 so say the least it is a bit of a set back.
I hurt surgery wise for about 2-3 days and now it's just the pressure pain and sacrum pain...does hurt a bit to use the restroom and food is my enemy AGAIN. And he mentioned that he will be having a specialist pathologist look at my previous surgeries as he thinks I may have been misdiagnosed and might have had crohns disease.

diagnosed severe ulcerative colitis August 2011

Total colectomy with end iliostomy April 2012

Rectum removed and jpouch created with loop iliostomy August 2012

Reversal surgery October 2012
Abcess surgery January 2014
The recovery time for just an abscess is about 1 week depending upon how deep they have to cut in order to drain it. I had one that came to a head on its own and it healed within three days but I've had others that have had to be excised and they've taken longer. However, if you're talking fistula and seton placement, it can take much longer. Lots of sitz baths and pain meds early on.
My perianal abscess drained on its own, but they did lance it, too... Developed a fistula, about 50% do, and I've had a draining seton for a year. It is not a cure; it's a palliative treatment for it.

The lancing of the abscess pain took about a week. It was a pretty terrible pain. If I could have been a once a day regular pooper, it would have been less painful, but frequent mushy J pouch stools hurt it more.
I'm about a month out from my last clean out. I'm in pain again! It hurts so bad to go to the bathroom. .. I was off pain killers for the first in a year but now I'm about to go back to my GI and veg for something to help get me through this pain until I can see my specialist. I feel constant pain in my sacrum as it is and then this!

Does anyone have to take pain killers everyday. ..I'm trying over the counter Tylenol and ibuprofen and it doesn't even touch the discomfort Frowner

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