Hey guys, its been almost 10 years with j pouch. Just wanted to know if anyone here can freely pass gas while standing without worrying about the mess. I can’t. I can only pass gas while lying on stomach. Please advise.
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Heck, I only pass gas while on the toilet. I consider it a small but real disability.
Pass gas while standing??… no way!!…like Scott I gotta be on the toilet. Sometimes some will pass while standing but I fight it every time because the outcome may not be pleasant. This “pouch life”… it’s a real hoot
VERY rare if it happens. I have to be “reclining” on my side to be able to pass just gas. Or on the toilet.
Nope, I don't dare...too much risk!
If only we had that ability, it would reduce our bathroom trips because most of the time, its just a buildup of gas which feels campy, like a mini blast above to happen and then that cramp is released internally with a loud noise and it’s embarrassing in public.
You guys should try to lie down on your belly and try to release gas, its a nice relief, Atleast when you’re sleeping.
This is not an ability that I have acquired after 2 years ☹️
I can only pass gas on the toilet, laying in bed or on the recliner.
I am grateful I can urinate standing upright, which was not the case for the first 6-9 months.
Fortunately, I can. Passing gas is a very similar experience to when I had a colon. The only difference is when my pouch gets really full, I have trouble passing gas and it just builds up until I go to the bathroom. (This isn't common, though).
Every once in a while I can let a bit of gas while upright through without any mess, but that is always a surprise. Lying on the side, belly, or inverting is my most reliable way to do it mess-free. Unfortunately, it's really difficult to have a subtle fart when you have to get in a special position to do it! I remember the sweet old days when I could stink up an elevator right before exiting. Sigh.
It took about 15 years after surgery (have had pouch since 1997) but I can occasionally pass gas while standing. I still remember the first time :-)