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Hello everyone. My son has been very gassy since yesterday and burping a lot. Also accompanied with watery stools.Then he was complaining about a little bit of abdominal pain. Seems not to be painful cause he wouldve been crying. He fell asleep real late and still sleeping. He dont seem to be gassy anymore, but he says he dont feel well and have still a little pain plus his butt hurts from going too much to bathroom last night. I had him take a warm bath and walk a bit around house,What can it be ? He is on loperamide,colestipol,probiotic,iron,b12,multivitamins amd metamucil 2x a day.
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what is his diet like? Could be SIBO (bacteria overgrowth), most likely not pouchitis since us with FAP don't seem to get it, a 1% chance of getting it so SIBO could be it. That is controlled by diet and an antibiotic.

If nothing is coming out it could be a blockage, adhesions tend to do that. But I would call your doctor/surgeon since we can't diagnose him.
He just woke up and he says his pain is gone and he is hungry and wanna eat . I made rice and steak today and he is eating it. Didnt give him metamucil, just his other regular meds. Lets see he uses the bathroom. His diarrhea seem to have went away. Just had a small accident while sleeping and was goey not watery. And no gas since he got up.or burps. If not tomm monday i call the dr . Thanks.

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