I thought so. What concerns me is that he would rule out cuffitis, when bleeding is rather specific to cuffitis. Cuffitis otherwise has the same pouchitis symptoms, and bleeding is what sets it apart. It does not mean you cannot have both. I guess if antibiotics are not successful, then you really know.
In my case, Flagyl actually worked well, but I quickly relapsed after discontinuing it. That was when my GI felt that my cuffitis was my real underlying issue. A quick rectal exam revealed a very bumpy rectal cuff mucosa. He then scoped my on the spot, and found that the pouch was fine, but the cuff was severely inflamed. He started me on mesalamine suppositories while I was still taking Flagyl. I then stopped the Flagyl after about a week.
Here is a link to a comprehensive article by Dr. Shen at the Cleveland Clinic. Scroll down to the portion about cuffitis. You will see by the text and the graph, bleeding is rather rare with pouchitis.
http://www.dept-med.pitt.edu/g...eadings/shen2005.pdfJust trying to help you avoid wasting time, like I did. I messed around with it for years. Back then they did not treat it unless you were very symptomatic. I did not know what to compare with, so I did not complain. That was sort of dumb of me to do.