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Hello, I have been a member of this group and popped in off and on since 2009 under a different user name. I couldn't recall my old login info so I created a new profile....
I had colon cancer in 2009 and got my J-pouch in 2010 and for the most part I have been able to resume a relatively normal life although I do know where every potty is located everywhere I go! Lol! The one problem I have had has had more to do with severe cronic anemia. They can't figure out where I'm losing blood or why my iron store is depleted. I have had transfusions, iron therapy,... But nothing lasts and they are just treating a symptom to what obviously has to be a very real problem. I last had feramine (iron) therapy in Dec of 2012 and was checked in March of 2013 when my hemoglobin had gone up to an 11 so I was scheduled for more labs in June where they found my hemoglobin had dropped to 5 and my ferritin (I think that's what they called it - stored iron) was down to 3! So now I'm going through more tests!
My question is - does anyone else here have or has had these types of issues? Just thought I'd check - most doctors I go to aren't very familiar with J- Poucher and our unique problems.

Thanks in advance for your responses!
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I am in the same exact boat you are in. I could have wrote your post word for word. So far I have just been getting treated as well (iron infusions) but no answers as to why I'm always getting depleted. I'm in the dark too. I'm seeing a hematologist and in fact tomorrow I have another round of labs to do to see if I need more infusions. I have a feeling I'm going to need them because i have been really dragging lately. It's so weird. My jpouch works great and I can eat a well balanced diet. I have no visible bleeding. He tested me for all kinds of stuff and it all came up negative. I'm assuming its an absorption issue even though the doctors say I should be absorbing everything fine. I beg to differ. Hey if you ever get any answers, please share! Smiler
Same here. I went into my colectomy surgery in 2011 steeled with iron infusions and a hemoglobin of almost 12 (previously it had been about 8 or lower because of UC and C. Diff). Then, while I had loop ileo, at one point my hemoglobin was hovering around 13 -- for the first time in decades and even while I was actively bleeding with an odd complication in my pouch. But after my takedown last spring and an incisional hernia surgery in July, I started to feel I was losing ground: 11, 10, 9...etc. And it continued to slip, and iron absorption and ferritin, etc, were terrible. No known cause. Like Marianne, my GI said absorption shouldn't be a problem since it happens further up in the small intestine, and hematologist was perplexed as well after running series of blood tests. I do have some inflammation in my small intestine, so who knows.
Anyway, I finished a round of 10 iron infusions in May, and last it was checked my hemoglobin and iron levels were good. But we'll see what happens. So while I can't offer you much help, I can say you are not alone.

Take care ~

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