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This is a reminder to all about what this discussion board is about, and what it is not about, and a plea for everyone to do their part in keeping this an informative and friendly place of support.

The object here is to share what we have learned through our experiences so that others can be helped by it and to provide support to those who are seeking it.

This is not a place for waging a campaign against a person, a doctor, a hospital, ideas. It is also not a place to post advertisements or collect information about people to use outside of this site. On that note, be sure you do not display your email address in your public profile, and definitely do not post personal information in the public forums.

This brings me to the point about decorum. We have all sorts of people come here, from all sorts of places, all over the world. While we don't have to pretend this is the Disney Channel, we should act as if we are talking to children in a classroom or your grandma at the dinner table. That means, try to be as polite as you would be in person at public place where you care about what people think of you. That may sound dumb and condescending, but we have people coming here who are frightened and do not know what is going on. We have children that come here. The last thing they need is to wade through a flame war or a debate. That may sound boring to you, but it has been the trend here since Bill J took his time and money and started this safe haven.

Sure it is fine to complain about your problems. But, unless you want help, support or advice, think twice about posting it. Nobody likes to waste their time trying to help, when their efforts are dismissed. I am sure there are web sites for people who want to compare complaints.

If you see a post that bugs you, try to resist the urge to respond to it, other than the content that is related to this site. You can click on the "hide post" option in the corner so you don't have to see it. You can also click on the member's name and choose to ignore that person.

If you find that you could not stop yourself and post something that does not conform, by all means, use the edit feature on the post to edit or delete your post. Don't think it has to stay there.

I do not intend to edit or delete posts unless warranted. I plan on giving a lot of leeway. Here are some examples of what may trigger it:

1. Flame wars

2. Hurtful language and personal attacks (identifying people by name and directly attacking them)

3. Political or Religious posts (I don't mean things like "I'll say a prayer for you or God loves you", but things like Bible quotes or prayer threads that get out of hand)

4. Advertising links (unless it is for a product relevant to the topic)

5. Embedded photos

6. Off topic posts/threads (again, leeway here, but let's not start a fantasy baseball camp or trading card thread)

Hope that makes it clear.

Jan Big Grin
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Well, sort of. I am Bill J's little helper, not a full moderator! I don't have full admin function (can't delete users), but I can edit or delete posts, move posts, that sort of thing. Just figured out how to do a "sticky" post yesterday. When you report a post, it goes to Bill only, so you would need to PM me if you need to alert me.

This was mostly to stay on top of the spambots, but sometimes there are other issues that crop up. Please, everyone, help me here, and let me know if I go overboard (I'm only human).

Jan Smiler
well said jan. and thanks for taking this on.
I do think its best to remove posts where people are attacking each other. I have no problem with a pessimistic opinion about something, its just the attacks between people that really irritate me and I'm sure turn new members off from using a board that could probably help them. I don't understand why some continue to always fuel the fire? thanks again for taking this on.
I do think its best to remove posts where people are attacking each other. I have no problem with a pessimistic opinion about something, its just the attacks between people that really irritate me and I'm sure turn new members off from using a board that could probably help them

Unfortunately, there will never be any peace on this board, until it is realized that not everybody is grateful for their J Pouch.
Unfortunately, there will never be any peace on this board, until it is realized that not everybody is grateful for their J Pouch.

There ARE people here who were not happy with their j-pouches who had them removed and are a welcomed part of our community. I think many of them provide balance that is needed, because for some, the j-pouch doesn't work out and that is a reality. And it's good to know that it happens, that j-pouches are not perfect, but what is the alternative? UC? FAP? Colon cancer? My only regret about having a j-pouch is not getting it sooner. And many people coming here looking to find information on what to expect should know about all of the possibilities.

The big difference to me about those community members who went back to an ostomy is that they took action. They made the hard choice to throw in the towel and move on. For those trolls that come here to post about how much they hate their pouch or how much it has ruined their lives, I have to wonder why they keep it. If I was in the same position, I would hope that I would come to the conclusion that the healthiest thing for me, both mentally and physically, would be to have it removed and go back to an ostomy. And then move on with life.

We only get so much time in life, and I intend to live it! If something is so bad that it would turn me into a troll on an internet message board, I'd be looking for a way to make things better rather than spending my time spewing hate here. Is that where you really want to be a year from now, five years from now, ten years from now? If the answer is no, pick up the phone and get the thing removed. NO ONE gets a perfect life, so make the best of the cards you've been dealt. Just my two cents.
For those trolls that come here to post about how much they hate their pouch or how much it has ruined their lives, I have to wonder why they keep it.

They're not "trolls" because they're between a rock and hard place. All the alternatives are way too freak for me and others. I'm just praying for the possibility of a Colon transplant, while I grin and bear it with my pouch Frowner
Well put Breezie. I also wish I had gotten my pouch sooner too but can't focus on would of should have either. Someone on this board had to do exactly what you described because their pouch did not work. He accepted it and moved on.

This troll must enjoy being miserable. I wonder what his home life is like? Does he have any family or friends or has his poor attitude chased them away too?

On one of my posts to Dog Day, I even stated that when I had Kidney Cancer, when I had to go for pre-testing, I saw boys and girls, they looked younger then 10 years old with no hair due to Chemo yet they were smiling and laughing and having a great time.

These kids are the best teachers to develop a healthy attitude. With Dog Day, or what ever his name his, this would not help him because he doesn't want to hear it. So then I told him to go to God because God loves him and he brushed me off with that too.

He cannot be helped because the first person to help him is himself. He just does not get it.


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