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I just stumbled onto this bored today, and glad I have as I see a community that has gone through the procedure. It has been roughly 6 months since I received my J pouch, and while I have gotten used to the "noises" I still have pain  near my anal a massive cramp. At times I feel like I have to go REALLY bad but then nothing comes out; or I breathe and it goes a way for a little while; a few times it immobilizes me and brings me to tears. I guess my question is will this sensation go away, and are there any food items that ya'll have noticed that could help soothe the "burning" sensation I get after emptying my bowels. I have found that Balneol helps to sooth it at times, but it is pretty expensive. Any help or tips that can be given I would greatly appreciate. I honestly want to get back into the gym, but I have no clue when the onsets might occur.

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I seem to recall having that sort of urgency off and on for the first several months, but it did subside. Sometimes I would rush to the bathroom and even push -- which I don't recommend! -- all for nothing. If I am remembering correctly, it was gone by about 8 or 9 months. Everyone is different, of course, but some of it is simply the new set-up getting used to being used and you getting used to using it.


As to the burning sensation -- is that internal or do you mean Butt Burn (external)? I'm afraid I am not familiar with that medication, so I hope someone else will answer with more information.




Tefuya, the healing process does take time, but the spasms / pain you are having are something to discuss with your GI or surgeon. There are some anti-spasmodics you can take that might help.


The internal burn is usually worse than the external I think. Not any foods I know of to soothe things, since most of it is caused by digestive acids making there way past your sore anus. Obviously, spicy-hot foods are to be avoided. Also, a PPI (Prilosec) or other acid reducer might help. I take one daily and it seems to have really reduced that issue for me. Topicals include Nupercainal and Gold Bond medicated anti-itch cream. Anything with menthol will not feel good initially but will soothe after about a minute or so. Bad that you have to apply it internally if that is where the pain is - but we do what we have to do, right?



Thank you both for responding, it's great to know that it was just me having this reaction, as I know it's different for each person. The burning sensation is more of an external burn, usually when my stool is loose, or I go a lot in one day. Ms. Gin I did learn the hard way not to push, made that mistake in the first month and will not do that again!


Mr. Steve thank you for the information I see one of my GI doctors tom. so I will ask for some anti-spasmodics, and I will definitely try the Prilosec, anything to help reduce the acid. I started to use A&D ointment and it soothes the pain a bit, would you recommend a medication containing menthol until this issue subsides instead?

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