THank you both. Will let you know.
Yes it was awful! I begged the second tune for them to not put it in lik and they wanted me to sign a paper saying I refused it, but of course my Dr reasoned with me telling me I could get in pretty bad shape if I didn't... I ultimately allowed it, but I was traumatized by each one.... My takedown, they put it in as I was waking up from being under, throwing up.... Took it out a week later, just to put it back in the next day and it stayed for 17 days... Got sent home a few days after those 17 days... A week later was hospitalized with distended stomach and throwing up so again the tube was put back in for about 13 days UHHGGG!
I pray you will be on, they will relax you enough I hope so you won't even realize its happening
I pray you will be on, they will relax you enough I hope so you won't even realize its happening
lovedby2, you aren't talking about getting an endoscopy here are you? That's what she's having done Wednesday.
No of course not.
She knows what I'm talking about, I was responding to our convo earlier about the NG tube being horrible.
We previously discussed her endoscopy and how she thought it might be like the NG tube insertion...
She knows what I'm talking about, I was responding to our convo earlier about the NG tube being horrible.
We previously discussed her endoscopy and how she thought it might be like the NG tube insertion...
lovedby, I realized you were talking about the NG tube as you mentioned you had to have it for 20 days. I think I had mine in for about 3 days each time and each breath is torture. Am so very sorry for twhat you went through. No wonder you were traumatized. I so feel for you. Hope that horrible time is all behind you.
Will be interesting what he sees. One minute i'm ok. THen next I'm not. Nausea seems to have subsided again, but my stomach does get upset everytime I eat...which can't be normal. My other worry is...if the cause is due to the daily celebrex, what do I do now for my SI joints? My back is totally out with shooting/pinching pain wtihtout being able to take it. Ugh..can't win. Well, one step at a time so will see what happens tomorrow.
Will be interesting what he sees. One minute i'm ok. THen next I'm not. Nausea seems to have subsided again, but my stomach does get upset everytime I eat...which can't be normal. My other worry is...if the cause is due to the daily celebrex, what do I do now for my SI joints? My back is totally out with shooting/pinching pain wtihtout being able to take it. Ugh..can't win. Well, one step at a time so will see what happens tomorrow.
Yes please keep posting to let us know what he finds. What you said sums it up .. one day is good and next can be down the drown.
Keep smiling
Keep smiling
quote:what do I do now for my SI joints?
If you carry a diagnosis of AS, Humira is what is used to treat it. I have a good friend taking Humira for joint pain associated with AS which, like IBD, is an autoimmune disorder. My friend has Crohn's as well as AS. The Humira treats both, but his AS is more of a problem.
I don't believe nausea is a common side effect of celebrex. As with other NSAIDS the primary gastrointestinal adverse effects are ulcers, bleeding and perforation.
Lovedby and all, NG tubes sound horrible. I was threatened that I was going to get one but didn't have to. Boy do I feel lucky. I was in the hospital for 16 days after the first operation, I had 2 steps, because I kept getting dehydrated.
Lu31, good luck tomorrow
Lu31, good luck tomorrow

Actually, nausea can be a side effct of Celebrex, as with any other NSAID. If you have gastritis or an ulcer from it, nausea can be one of the symptoms. And, just because you tolerated it for a long time, it does not mean you cannot develop serious side effects at any time.
I had a similar dilema. After taking high doses of ibuprofen for years for joint pain, I developed liver inflammation and pouchitis. I had to stop the NSAIDs, which resulted in unrelenting SI pain. That was when I was finally referred to a rheumatologist and was diagnosed with enteropathic arthritis, a spndylitis related to AS. Since then, I've been on biologics, fist Humira, and now Simponi. Doing pretty well.
I had a similar dilema. After taking high doses of ibuprofen for years for joint pain, I developed liver inflammation and pouchitis. I had to stop the NSAIDs, which resulted in unrelenting SI pain. That was when I was finally referred to a rheumatologist and was diagnosed with enteropathic arthritis, a spndylitis related to AS. Since then, I've been on biologics, fist Humira, and now Simponi. Doing pretty well.

Jan, good to hear you've found arthritis meds that help. I was diagnosed wtih sacroiliitis...didn't show in blood work but mostly by symptoms and my UC history (and one bone scan). Are biologics the class that suppress the immune system?
Yes, they do, but are in a different class. Prednisone is globally suppressant of the immune system, like throwing a wet blanket on a fire. Biologics are more targeted, suppressing only one inflammatory pathway, anti-TNF alpha. Still, super-infections are the primary adverse effect, so you have to be vigilant (flu vaccines, avoiding contagion, etc.). Plus, you need TB testing before beginning to avoid reactivating latent TB. It can also cause bone marrow suppression, lupus, liver inflammation, etc., and that is why I get blood tests every three months. These are reversible effects.
But, for me, completely worth it. I was walking with a cane before going on them, and now even though I still have pain, it is much more manageable. Actually, I saw my rheumy for follow up today, and she told me that I should take more pain medication, because I have been tolerating too much pain and I didn't need to do that. I'm kind of stingy with the Vicodin because I don't want to build a tolerance, but she said since I only take it once a day, twice a day would not make a difference in that regard.
But, for me, completely worth it. I was walking with a cane before going on them, and now even though I still have pain, it is much more manageable. Actually, I saw my rheumy for follow up today, and she told me that I should take more pain medication, because I have been tolerating too much pain and I didn't need to do that. I'm kind of stingy with the Vicodin because I don't want to build a tolerance, but she said since I only take it once a day, twice a day would not make a difference in that regard.

Thanks Jan for explaining. That's my main fear...the infections. I do get an annual flu shot, but I have young kids so am always exposed to different stuff going around. The regular blood tests aren't an issue as I did that with celebrex too. It's scary the possible side effects, but in this case, good to know they are reversible. And great to hear that it's really been helping you. I don't need a cane, but get this shooting pain from buttock to leg...or pinching pain to warm I'm close to a flare up....or just daily back and joint pain too. Will ask my GI about the celebrex tomorrow (if I can i.e. coherant and can talk to him afterwards) and then will discuss wtih my rheumy when I see him in 2 weeks.
My rheumy would not prescribe Celebrex for me because I had a history of tacchycardia and a family history of heart disease. Vioxx was already off the market.

Hi all,
Am back from my gastroscopy (i.e. endoscopy). Was terrified, but I think in the end I was under. I remember talking to my GI, feeling a slight sting as he inserted the sedation and then I was in recovery. So, in the end, it was the way I wanted it (except that it menat missing an entire day of work).
So as for the results...I am a little upset as I am no further ahead than before. He said he saw a bit of inflammation in my stomacdh (which he referred to as gastritis) and also ended up doing a scope and saw a small area with inflammation, but he said nothing to treat. He gave me a prescription for the nausea if it returns but nothign to treat the inflammation. Is this normal? He did take a sample for a biopsy from my stomach and my bottom to test for infection but doesn't suspect anything.
So basically, it means just continuing on with burning and stomach aches after eating.
Am back from my gastroscopy (i.e. endoscopy). Was terrified, but I think in the end I was under. I remember talking to my GI, feeling a slight sting as he inserted the sedation and then I was in recovery. So, in the end, it was the way I wanted it (except that it menat missing an entire day of work).
So as for the results...I am a little upset as I am no further ahead than before. He said he saw a bit of inflammation in my stomacdh (which he referred to as gastritis) and also ended up doing a scope and saw a small area with inflammation, but he said nothing to treat. He gave me a prescription for the nausea if it returns but nothign to treat the inflammation. Is this normal? He did take a sample for a biopsy from my stomach and my bottom to test for infection but doesn't suspect anything.
So basically, it means just continuing on with burning and stomach aches after eating.
Glad it was peaceful for you.
Your results are exactly what I got the last upper and lower scope I got. Inflammation, biopsy, gastritis.... Upped my prednisone and cipro and metrozetinal (sp)...
Your results are exactly what I got the last upper and lower scope I got. Inflammation, biopsy, gastritis.... Upped my prednisone and cipro and metrozetinal (sp)...
What did he say about the gastritis and the Celebrex? Typically, the treatment of NSAID related gastritis is discontinuing the NSAID. There is no need to specifically treat the inflammation (gastritis). It will resolve on its own by stopping the NSAID. If there was some serious inflammation in there, I think your doctor would have discussed it with you.
Another thing you need to consider is treating your anxiety, as it can have a significant effect on your gastrointestinal symptoms. Since the endoscopy did not reveal any severe inflammation going on there, it is entirely possible that some of your symptoms are anxiety related. This does not mean that it is all in your head. It means that your heightened anxiety is actually causing physical symptoms. The first step is to rule out serious physical issues. Once you've done that, you can look at taking steps in getting anxiety under control, with medication, therapy, or both.
It is a very common problem and I don't know what comes first, the GI symptoms, which create anxiety, or anxiety, which can cause GI symptoms. People who have had to deal with chronic illness often develop anxiety and worry about the future, relapse, etc. Regardless, both need to be addressed if it applies to you.
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Another thing you need to consider is treating your anxiety, as it can have a significant effect on your gastrointestinal symptoms. Since the endoscopy did not reveal any severe inflammation going on there, it is entirely possible that some of your symptoms are anxiety related. This does not mean that it is all in your head. It means that your heightened anxiety is actually causing physical symptoms. The first step is to rule out serious physical issues. Once you've done that, you can look at taking steps in getting anxiety under control, with medication, therapy, or both.
It is a very common problem and I don't know what comes first, the GI symptoms, which create anxiety, or anxiety, which can cause GI symptoms. People who have had to deal with chronic illness often develop anxiety and worry about the future, relapse, etc. Regardless, both need to be addressed if it applies to you.
Hope you get to feeling better soon.

lovedby, did the meds cure your gastritis or do you deal with it all the time? Do you eat or avoid any specific foods? My GI didn't mention avoiding anything.
Jan, my GI doesn't really know, but is guessing the nausea and inflammation is due to the celebrex (unless the biopsies show otherwise). Perhpas that's why he's not treating it...assumign that it will get better in time. How long though would it take? It's been 4 weeks since I stopped it.
As for the anxiety...I see where you're coming from as it certainly wouldn't help, but I not making things up and imagining the symptoms. Often, I'll actually forget about it (as when I lunch...I feel ok. Then within 5 minutes, the burning/aches start). So that is not in my head and very real.
Jan, my GI doesn't really know, but is guessing the nausea and inflammation is due to the celebrex (unless the biopsies show otherwise). Perhpas that's why he's not treating it...assumign that it will get better in time. How long though would it take? It's been 4 weeks since I stopped it.
As for the anxiety...I see where you're coming from as it certainly wouldn't help, but I not making things up and imagining the symptoms. Often, I'll actually forget about it (as when I lunch...I feel ok. Then within 5 minutes, the burning/aches start). So that is not in my head and very real.
I'm glad the procedure went so well for you. When you wake up it's so hard to ask all the questions you want to as you don't remember them. I agree with Jan, good news! I got handed a prescription and he had to dilate my esophagus, for which I had to be partially awake.
I know you don't have all the answers but we have our wonderful Jan here with great advice. Take care, those PPI meds are expensive.
I know you don't have all the answers but we have our wonderful Jan here with great advice. Take care, those PPI meds are expensive.
Thanks TE. Although I don't feel very good about the appointment as I'm no further ahead...still get pain after eating but nothing to help it. And what if this doesn't go away? My husband and I are going away for a few days end of April and will really suck if I'm still feeling yucky and can't really enjoy any meals.
The thing about anxiety and physical symptoms is that you don't have to be having anxious thoughts or feeling panicky for them to be related. For example, my husband will wake up in the middle of the night with an anxiety attack, with feelings of dread, cold sweats, etc. He gets mad because he "knows" he has nothing to feel anxious about. Then he would have anxiety about worrying when the next anxiety attack would occur. But, that is how anxiety disorder works. At first it is tied to some real, current issue, then over time, you have anxiety attacks out of the blue for no apparent reason.
Anyway, I am talking in circles I think. The point is that you can have both a physical issue and a simultaneous anxiety issue. Anxiety is known to increase symptoms, heighten awareness of symptoms, and even cause symptoms. Often, it can be rooted in unresolved anxiety going back to the trauma of your original illness and surgery. Your rational mind disconnects it, because you "know" that part of your life is over.
I am not saying that treating anxiety would erase your belly problems, but it might make them less central in your thoughts.
Now, how long should it take for NSAID related inflammation to resolve? You'd think a month would be enough, but I don't know for sure. Once the biopsy results come back, you'll know more. Maybe you need antibiotics for an H. pylori infection. That would explain why stopping the Celebrex and using acid blockers was not enough. Xanax certainly would not treat that, even if it got rid of all your anxiety!
Anyway, I am talking in circles I think. The point is that you can have both a physical issue and a simultaneous anxiety issue. Anxiety is known to increase symptoms, heighten awareness of symptoms, and even cause symptoms. Often, it can be rooted in unresolved anxiety going back to the trauma of your original illness and surgery. Your rational mind disconnects it, because you "know" that part of your life is over.
I am not saying that treating anxiety would erase your belly problems, but it might make them less central in your thoughts.
Now, how long should it take for NSAID related inflammation to resolve? You'd think a month would be enough, but I don't know for sure. Once the biopsy results come back, you'll know more. Maybe you need antibiotics for an H. pylori infection. That would explain why stopping the Celebrex and using acid blockers was not enough. Xanax certainly would not treat that, even if it got rid of all your anxiety!

Thanks Jan. I appreicate your input and can see where you're coming from, and your husband is good example. But although i have a tendency to worry lots and focus on it, my pain is real. To me, my GI is addressing the symptoms (the nausea that sometiems is there) instead of the actual issue. Thanks for the link. I am sortuv hoping that an infection shows and antibiotics will solve the issue. Cause otherwise, I've just been left with no guidance or suggestions of what to do and how to get better. I forget what he said (as I was still feeling slightly sedated)...biopsy results take 2 weeks?
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