This is a bit off topic but I am so upset right now and I just need to vent. I know we have all been through a lot....this surgery was no walk in the park for me and I came thru it all with flying colors. But there are times I whine and complain to my hubby about the butt burn or having to get up at night to go to the bathroom. Or I complain about being anemic. Just the normal stuff living with a j pouch. You know what? This is nothing. These are such small inconveniences yet they seem to be consuming sometimes.
I just found out my mother-in-law's cancer is back and it's throughout her entire body. There probably isn't much that can be done at this point to help her. We are all just devastated by this news. My kids are so close to their Grandmother I don't even know what to tell them. Kind of puts it all in perspective how small my problems are right now.
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