Can Creon cause dirrhea? I was having pain in stomach and was have more gas in stomach and only my lipase was high and my doc says to drink Creon enzymes 10000 UL (two weeks i drink them and was not have dirrhea but Yesterday at night time i was going to bathroom about 10 times and cannot hold the stools like i need to empty i go empty and about one hour i need to empty for second time. And stools are watery i can see what eat and some time was only yellow water) and i started but now i have skin irritation and burn in anus and dirrhea can because we not have colon i cannot digest the enzymes my lipase was 116 normal range is 90..Yesterday i make new blood tests my lipase is 85 at normal range 90 my amylase is normal 85 normal range is 130...and can be side effect of Creon or is Pouchitis and need to drink ciproflacin