Hi grateful!
Though I have the 2nd criteria for a yearly scope (as mentioned by CTBarrister above), I was pleased to hear that my doc said to schedule the next one in 2 years. I'm all for the minimalist approach. I waited 20 years to get the first pouchoscopy and I'm very proud of myself for finally being brave enough to let anyone near my reconstructed business. I wish I had been brave enough earlier because it was very informative. I also wish I had found this j-pouch online group earlier. Information is power!
HEMU, the scope is not as invasive as a colonoscopy and they only put you under for a little while, and you can opt to stay awake for it if you want. I had some active hemorrhoids going into it and my ass was super sore after the scope. I'm have recovered now. (This was a recent event.) If you decide to schedule one for the first time, make sure you're going to get a pouchoscopy, NOT a colonoscopy. Different tools are used. And I would make sure to go to someone who has done this before. I assume any colorectal surgeon would have done the surgery and this particular type of scope, but not a GI doc. Some of the GI docs don't even really know about j-pouches.
My medical providers, my scope & my experiments on my own body tell me about my condition and I get such great info collectively from this group about the condition of having a j-pouch and the permutations thereof. I get great ideas about what to try (and what to avoid) from you lovely people.
I think Scott's comment that what works for one isn't going to work for another is a good reminder, obvious as it may be to some.
JJmarc, I'm sure Scott F will share freely whatever information you would like. This group seems pretty open, including Scott. I'm sorry you're going through a bad time with pouch management. That's why this group is here...to help! Lots of docs don't know that much (or anything!) about the j-pouch and we don't always have access to specialists, so we can get tips here to share with the docs. It sucks to be forced into experimenting on ourselves especially when the system is already down, but it seems to be the only thing we can do since we're all different. I hope your journey brings you relief ASAP!