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I’ve had my j pouch for 8 years now and am on constant flagyl to take care of pouchitis. I go about 12-15x/day. My last scope in Oct showed no inflammation.

It’s been months since I’ve had this kind of pain when passing stool and after. It feels like the inside of my rectum is completely raw. Almost like when I had proctitis (before my UC started). It’s bleeding on the toilet paper bc it’s so raw on the outside and the inside is just like trying to pass glass. Afterwards I’m so sore, I can barely walk, let alone sit on my bum. I have to lay down and I was in tears just now.

My husband tried to comfort me and just asked if I should go back to an ostomy. I mean that’s how bad it is sometimes.

do you think this could be a pouchitis flare? I’ve had bouts of stomach pain these past few days but I’m also on day 4 of Covid. I don’t think this is Covid related bc it’s happened to me before when I’m not sick with Covid. Anyway, I’m tried to put prescription cortisone cream inside a little thinking maybe it’s hemmies, but I don’t think that’s it either. It’s like sandpaper in the inside Ugh. So painful. Idk what to do.

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Yea that’s what my doc said. I ended up calling the doc on call at the office today. He called in lidocaine but the doc on call didn’t  want to give me nitroglycerin bc of my complicated history with my pouch. I’m guessing he didn’t want to make that call. He said he would call in a script for the lidocaine but wait until my doc could confer on Mo day. That’s fine. I’m doing the sitz baths which are helping and upped my colestipol and Imodium so I’m going a lot less, which is helping. My doc is over an hour away so I’m hoping he can just call the script in and not have to see me.

I have/had last week so I’m back at work for the first day tomorrow- I have 11 meetings! I don’t have time to go in!

fingers crossed it goes away soon.

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