Hello, I visited the emergency room yesterday after 24 hours of running to the bathroom every five minutes with such a sense of urgency only to not have a bowel movement, but was leaking watery stool all day with no control. By about hour 18 I started to experience a lot of pain in my upper abdomen that came and went like severe sharp contractions. A CT Scan showed a mass in my upper bowel but my bloodwork was good and I was only mildly nauseated. I was treated for the pain and sent home. I still have not had a “normal” movement, have to push really hard, and have only passed a very little gas. Thankfully the severe contractions have stopped but I still feel a lot of discomfort and because I am not supposed to do an enema and we J-poachers can’t use conventional laxatives/high fibre methods, I am hoping I can find some answers to help me “go” or at least to relieve the discomfort and leaking. Thank you!