I've had a Jay pouch for about 28 years and really no issues at all!
About 3 weeks ago I started experiencing terrible lower gas pains and last night I thought, maybe something is wrong with my pouch.. I've never experienced this before and nothing has changed in my diet that I can think of. The gas pain start maybe around noon and go sometimes all the way until I wake up the next day.
I have always gone to the bathroom probably twice the middle of the night and now I go 3 to 4 times. I have always suffered from diarrhea. On average, I probably have 7 b movements a day, not counting night.
During the past month I've also had a very hard time not leaking in the middle of the night which is incredibly embarrassing. Sometimes I will leak three different times during the night! Sometimes this has nothing to do with the gas other than I can't seem to hold it in me at night.
The gas pains that I'm experiencing are so strong that I feel like something is going to come out of me if I'm not holding back the pressure. There's also immense rumbling in my stomach but it's all down very, very low and I would say a lot of anal or rectal pressure because of the gas.
Have any of you experienced this? Since I never have issues with my colitis, I do not have a GI doctor.