Not exactly Sara. It starts out as intense pressure in my stomach which makes me feel extreme hunger and turns to nausea and vomiting within minutes. At the same time I feel like my blood pressure crashes and can barely move with intense pain shooting down my arms and legs. I don't really faint but kind of get in a state where it feels I'm passing out. My Cardiologist called it a syncope but no Doctors I've went to have seen anything like this so I'm not entirely sure.
What you are talking about is a symptom of some underlying cause. It sounds to me almost like an allergic reaction, possibly to meds. As I have posted elsewhere, there is a tendency on this board to attribute every unusual bodily condition to the J Pouch. It's dangerous to do that because it may not have anything to do with your J Pouch at all. From your explained symptoms it sounds more like a systemic issue and not a J Pouch issue. It is possibly consistent with an allergic reaction to something. Although if your stomach is empty, it's very odd. What meds are you taking and what proximity in time from dosing to onset of symptoms?
Intense abdominal pressure- but not hunger- is also experienced with an obstruction. But this seems unlikely as well, given the totality of your symptoms, as obstructions usually happen after eating. An adhesion and blockage of gastric fluids is possible, but unlikely.