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Hi all,

I am pretty sure I have my 1st partial obstruction.  No pain but distended stomach, lots of gurrgling, no appetite and strangely no sense of fullness when I do eat. I sort of have a crampy sensation on lower right side and it's tender to the touch but no real pain and I am still able to poop thank god.  I have had my Jpouch over 10 years now and this is my 1st time with this issue so I am clueless.  I am seeing my gastro on Monday.  My questions are- what do i do to increase the likelihood that this resolves itself.  It's been 6 days.  Also, what do I eat or do I not eat at all?

Thanks in advance for your advice. 


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The best way to understand most of these partial obstructions is to realize that they aren’t simple plugs of solid matter in a rigid tube, like a waste pipe. The first thing that happens is that the opening in the tube (intestine) gets smaller, usually because the intestine moves (kinks or twists) around an anchor point caused by an adhesion. When the opening gets smaller things (especially solids) can back up and make you miserable by stretching a gut that’s trying to push things along. The ultimate resolution is generally when the intestine shifts again and the tube opens back up. There is some digestion and softening of the plug of solid food, but you’re really hoping for a (prompt) reopening. This almost always happens on its own in a matter of days, and the key is to stay hydrated (and to notice if things get very bad and you need to go to the ER). The two possible bad things (beyond an uncomfortable day or three) are dehydration and bowel rupture - you’d need a hospital to deal with either of those. You’d be in a *lot* of pain, and likely vomiting if bowel rupture were a consideration.


Thanks for your reply. Your suspician is correct-doctor does not think it's a partial obstruction.  He also didn't think my symptoms aligned with a blockage. He used a stethoscope to lisen to abdomen and he said there's too much noise going on in there for a bloackage-things are moving. He is fairly certain it's my gallbladder.  I am having an ultrasound of abdomen on Wednesday and that will look at liver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreas.  If nothing looks "broken" lol, in there (such as my gallbladder), they will do a CT to look for blockage.  It could be the gallbladder.  Pain is on the right side, sometimes it's high up where the gallbladder is but other times it's lower down. We shall see. I don't want to lose my gallbladder.  After my mom had hers out she had issue with diarrhea.  I had my colon taken out so I didn't have to deal with urgency anymore. I dread living that life again .  I am hoping for the best and for now doc has me on a low-fat, quasi-BRAT diest with no dairy.

Best regards,


@msh98991I am glad to learn it is not a bowel obstruction but really hope it's not your gall bladder, either. Let us know how your ultra sound goes. I appreciated your asking your initial question and for @Scott F 's  great explanation of a small bowel obstruction. I have been babying my GI system for the past two weeks post small bowel obstruction hospital stay, and my diet has alternated between clear liquids, full liquids, Miralax, and blended foods. I agree with you - this site is a huge gift and wealth of supportive, helpful information. I don't feel alone here!

Hi Maverick,

Thanks for checking in! I’m glad your meds are helping you! It sounds like you got an accurate diagnosis and are on the mend. They are still running tests on me. I had an MRI of abdomen yesterday. First test they ran was an ultrasound and for whatever reason they couldn’t get a good look at my gallbladder (it was blocked) so we’re hoping the MRI tells us more. From what the doctor could see on the ultrasound  though he didn’t think it was my gallbladder. I tend to think it does have something to do with my gallbladder though because dull ache is on my right side mostly and my right shoulder can ache as well as my back behind the gallbladder. I’m eating low fat now, but when the smallest amount of fat accidentally sneaks into my diet, I get that the dull ache  over on the right.

Can you share what your SIBO symptoms were?


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