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I take Humira and I got COVID so my GI I stop taking the Humira. After about three weeks I had a flare up and my GI put me on Prednisone, Flagyl and Cipro. After I tapered the Prednisone and went back to Humira. After another three weeks I got COVID again. Again my GI said to hold off on the Humira and put me on prednisone again. I have a cold now with my chest full of phlegm. I check for COVID it was negative.
I know that Humira lowers your immune system. I recently read that Prednisone also lowers your immune system.
It seems like I'm caught in a loop between a cold and COVID. I work close to other people and don't want to spread either to my co-workers. I always wear a mask.
Any ideas on this dilemma.
J-pouch 1994
Fistulas, Strictures, Incisional Hernias
Thank You Bob
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It’s important to remember that Covid tests (especially the home ones) can give false negative results, so your “cold” might be Covid in spite of the test. Is the mask you are wearing a well-fitted N95 mask? Do you *ever* take it off in the office (e.g. to drink water or eat)? Does it ever fall under your nose?

In any case, it’s more questionable than ever before (for good reason) to go to a shared space while you have cold symptoms, whether you have a positive Covid test or not. Covid symptoms in particular can take a very long time to clear up, and even if you aren’t infectious a wet cough will make you the least popular person in the office. Can you work remotely for a while?

Last edited by Scott F

I heard that about the at home Covid test. Mu son's friend bought 5 of them. He took one and it was positive. The next day he did another text and it was negative, so he did another and it was negative, Finally he went to a testing center and it was positive.

I don't have the option of working remotely and wear a mask from when I get out of the car until get back in it.

Am I correct that both Humira and Prednisone lower your immune system?

Thank You Bob

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