I have been a vegetarian for years but switched to dairy products as my doctor said I was low on B12, ect. I do not think I can tolerate milk and since have stopped eating dairy after I got the below pouchitis. The night before I got pochitis, I ate Dave's 21 whole grains bread with sesame seeds.
I got pouchitus at the beginning of this month. I received a prescription for Cypro and Mentranidazole for 1 week, I got better (back to normal). I got Pouchitus again a couple of days later and am in the middle of a two week course of Crypto and Mentranidazole. Usually these medications take care of it right away. It has gotten a little bit better but I but I am still sick. I have uncomfortable/somewhat painful very urgent bowels that I cannot control and am having accidents. I am in the bathroom all the time. There is little to evacuate and I have cramping in the lower abdomen. There is some bright red blood on the tissue after I go to the bathroom. This has been going on for three weeks. I have never had anything like this.
I see my new Gastro's PA tomorrow morning. I have never had Cuffitus. Could this be Cuffitus and how do I treat it?