Thanks everyone! This site is great. I didn't have the luxury of having a lot of information before my surgery, under the circumstances, but I now want to share my experiences so that others won't have to go in completely blind like I did.

Yes, motherhen, my initial surgery was a subtotal colectomy, which means the rectum was originally left intact. It was performed on an emergency basis. At that time, the doctors weren't sure if I would be a candidate for the j-pouch, but there really wasn't time to evaluate. My colon was at risk of perforation and the priority was just to get it out and save my life. I was quite ill with the whole ordeal, had lost about 30% of my body weight within a period of less than a month. I was told I'd be re-evaluated again in 6 months for possible j-pouch. Unfortunately, I had complications including ileus and several partial obstructions, needed blood transfusions, had difficulty gaining weight, etc. Also, since the UC in my rectum never went into remission, I continued to have interintestinal manifestations, including eye inflammation and mouth ulcers. Because of all that, as well as some later admin issues with the surgeon's office, my j-pouch surgery was eventually delayed 2.5 years. At that time, they removed the rectum and created the pouch. I had my takedown 6 months later.
I don't find BMs to be a problem now; I go anywhere between 3-8 times a day. I only had UC for a month prior to my colon being removed, so I wasn't accustomed to a lot of bathroom trips. But I've adjusted really well. It's become part of my daily routine and most days I don't really notice it.