Hello all,
I’m a med student, and about three weeks ago I ended up having to take Cipro because I was having really watery stool and not feeling well from test anxiety. My BM went back to somewhat normal (frequency and consistency wise) but a few days before the big test I started having frequency and liquid stools again. They lasted around 4 days and I ended up going to my GI again.
He told me to take Cipro again but to get a fecal analisis done to test for irritable bowel, which he doesn’t think I have. I have pretty bad anxiety and I do see a correlation between my guts and it. I’m thinking about getting on anti-anxiety meds. I’m only 19 but I can’t deal with it anymore.
Has anyone had this happen? Any advice. I’ve been straying from Sugar and trying to eat well. Could this all be psychological? Anything helps.