Hey all,
So as of this morning I haven’t been able to have a bowel movement. Sometimes I won’t have a bowel movement until the afternoon even after two meals. But today it’s 9 pm and I haven’t had a single.bowel.movement. Not even the urge. This has never happened before. I have had cases where I’ve gone 1-2 times a day but never this. I’m really worried. I have no pain or nausea but I can’t tell if my bloating is from my period or not having pooped all day. I have been able to let some go during the day but nothing close to a full bowel movement. I’m concerned as to what to do. I don’t want to resort to laxatives because I’m on vacation and scared of dehydration. I’ve drank some yogurt and walked for a bit but honestly nothing. I was having regular bowel movements. I have been eating a bit more vegetables than normal, could it be that I over did it? Any help or advice is welcome.
You can’t expect to eat the fruit the same day you plant the tree.