Does anyone have issues getting cysts near their rectum or perineum area? I just got another one. This one is 2" from the rectum. The last one was in the perineum.
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Are you sure its not acne bumps???
Not acne. They are cysts. I have FAP and have had over 30 cysts removed. A symptom of FAP. They don't go away. Verified by both colorectal surgeon and general surgeon. My colorectal surgeon is in Dallas so I see a general surgeon in Oklahoma City.
Hello All,
I have been battling this issue for atleast 4 months now with a total of 4 surgeries to attempt to drain these areas. I have had a SETON installed for 2.5 months now as it appears that the origin might be a fistula. Have also been on a variety of antibiotics to attempt to help cope with infection. It is my understanding that draining these abscess is the best way to fix it. Unfortunately, after being admitted to the hospital this past weekend, I am not sure how this is all going to end up. Have not had any issues like this since the formation of my J-pouch over 7 years ago. Needless to say, it’s put a huge damper on my quality of life.