So this site have been very helpful lately for my issues. I originally started with what I thought was a terrible hemorrhoids and got some great advice here. When I was just at the end of the my rope, I woke up with pain gone but the bumps (two) still remained. Prior to feeling better my doctor referred me to surgeon to check out what was going on. I kept the appointment. It was today. My experience was awful in that nobody gave me any real information - yet - but I am now having an MRI later this afternoon and from the nurse handing me a pamphlet I suspect some kind of Abscess has formed? She gave me some general details all of which are overwhelming.
I am a bit freaked about some general info - like 6-8 weeks recovery, two surgeries? leakage and wearing a pad/diaper? I actually feel fine now so this has really thrown me for a loop and I really don't want to go down for multiple surgeries, pain and weeks/months of recovery. I won't know more until after the MRI but can anyone share what they know about the possibilities here?