Hey everyone. I am new here. My jpouch connected on Dec 10th. 1 month post op now. I've been having pain in my rectum. I'm not sure where to pin point the pain at but the least to say it feels like a stick is shoved up there. When I go to the bathroom its very strenuous. I have the urg to push and push and nothing comes. I usually have to force my self to relax and stop pushing assuming pushing to hard will cause damage. And the pain is there all day long. I cant put pressure on my bum, walking is exhausting and standing for a few mins feels impossible due to pain. Sometimes I'm super gassy which hurts. So far I'm up all night going to the bathroom sometines nothing comes out and sometimes a BM does happen. My doc said I could eat anything I wanted but having UC before im a little cautious on foods I eat but haven't established any boundaries food wise yet.
Has anyone else experienced this pain and have any tips on how to determine what foods to avoid and what this pain is from?
So far I've tried all foods, junk food(chips,cookies), orange juice, dairy products, rice, breads, pastas, pasta sauces, veggies(which come out as they go in)