Hi! Another success story for you!! My colon was initially removed laparoscopic but I immediately began to have internal bleeding in recovery, they rushed me back, cut me open wide and gave me lots of blood. Per my surgeon, the tissue around my colon was just so much sicker than imaging indicated so it did not cauterize properly. So the initial surgery was planned, the emergency surgery for internal bleeding obviously was not and the colon removal most likely would have been emergent had I waited much longer. For stage 2 he did opt to go ahead and open me wide again because of the complications the first go round. I ended up having a blockage after step 2 and needing a central line to deliver the medication to clear the blockage.
I had my take down in the winter of 2017 and was cleared to try and get pregnant 6 weeks later. At that point, I was underweight so I was not ovulating properly. I worked on gaining weight and we decided to give clomid with a trigger shot a try. Two months of that very low dose of clomid was too much for me (shout out to all you ladies handling IVF like champs!!). We were both miserable so we decided it is what it is and we couldn't live our lives trying to conceive. A month or two later we got pregnant without assistance (summer 2018).
For background, I had two unassisted, easy pregnancies prior to my jpouch. I developed my autoimmune diseases shortly after the birth of my second son and had three miscarriages before jpouch surgery (last one chromosomal and unpreventable, first two probably due to my poor health with undiagnoed UC).
Good luck and feel free to reach out if you have any questions- it really is strange how little you hear about pregnancy after pouch but per my surgeon it is totally possible and no more high risk than anyone else.