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I’m not even sure how to describe this. A few weeks ago I started getting pain and bad cramps that seemed to put pressure on my prostate maybe. Basically the pressure is between my scrotum and anus I guess. No burning. Just pressure. If I go to the bathroom or pass gas it is relieved. Not pouchitis. Seams to be worse when I eat chocolate or drink. But, that could just be giving me more gas pressure which is pressing on something causing me pain. Almost like I will lose control of my bowels. 20 years with pouch, never had this. It’s not all day. A lot at night. Mostly if I have food in my system. Are there terms for this I can search? Thanks.

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Since you have had pouchitis and know your own pouchitis symptoms, it may well be prostate related, such as prostatitis. Prostatitis is fairly common, especially the older you are. Plus, Lexapro may well be a link here too.

Decades out from j-pouch surgery you are less likely to have an abscess related to your j-pouch. Those are more often related to post op leaks that simmer for years, and this seems more sudden in your case. Difficult to define, to be sure, since everything is so close together here.

Hope you get this sorted soon. A trial of antibiotics may be the best option.


@DJJ2019 posted:

PSA is fine. I’ve had pouchitis many times. It’s def something else. I was on Lexapro for a few weeks and that really messed up my insides. That’s when it started. I’ll keep an eye on it and maybe talk to a GI doc at some point.

Glad to hear your PSA is fine

Last edited by Former Member

Update: I've been feeling a lot better since taking my prostate medicine (Flomax) that I had prescribed this summer for Prostatitis.  I think the culprit is long drives that irritate the prostate, so when I get the normal pressure from gas or having to go to the bathroom from the pouch, it puts even more pressure on the prostate.  Anyhow, the pain seems to be gone.  I'll be taking Flomax for a few weeks until I know I'm in a good spot. Thanks for the support.

@DJJ2019 posted:

Update: I've been feeling a lot better since taking my prostate medicine (Flomax) that I had prescribed this summer for Prostatitis.  I think the culprit is long drives that irritate the prostate, so when I get the normal pressure from gas or having to go to the bathroom from the pouch, it puts even more pressure on the prostate.  Anyhow, the pain seems to be gone.  I'll be taking Flomax for a few weeks until I know I'm in a good spot. Thanks for the support.

Your welcome. I am glad you are okay! Happy New Year DJJ

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