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It's been 26 years since my J Pouch surgery, at the time when surgery was the only life saving option, I was fortunate to have one of the Bay Areas GI Surgeon that was also one of the original pioneers to this JPouch procedure willing to accept me, thus i was transferred from my local hospital to his. The Doctor/Surgeon became my go-to Specialist for follow-up complications such as valve, and blockages due to adhesions in the following years. Since his passing, I have been blessed as far as non hospitalizations. But..what if???

I live in Santa Cruz Co. and finding knowledgeable GI Doctors/Surgeons with J Pouch knowledge or experience for follow-up and emergencies has not been successfully. If and when I may have a JPouch challenge beyond my own trouble shooting knowledge and I have to depend on our local ER, it could be very scary, especially without a GI Surgeon w/o JPouch experience or knowledge of our unique surgery.

I would appreciate any recommendations to Doctors who live here in the Bay Area and have been a blessing in your life.

Many Thanks, Claudia

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