Now that you mentioned it, I think Lamotil was what I was taking.
How much are you eating and what are you eating? How long ago did you have your surgery?
Now that I don't have a colon, I find that I don't really get gas from food, much anymore. So the fiber doesn't bother me in that way. I think it's probably because the bacteria that interacts with the gas producing foods and breaks down into gas, is mostly just found in the colon. That's not to say that I never get gas from food, it just happens a lot less. I can eat things like beans and broccoli now and it doesn't have that effect. The only things that really give me gas are things that cause me to swallow air, like using a straw, chewing gum, or if my nose is blocked up because I have a cold. However, one exception is that I found that eating pasta made with chickpea flower gave me really bad gas, so I avoid that stuff too. It was just the pasta, though, not other chickpea products, so I'm thinking it was probably another ingredient that was in it.
As you know, it's important to avoid gas as much as possible, because it just means more annoying trips to the toilet.
The frequency and consistency of your poop totally depends on what you eat and how much. The more fiber, the more solid and formed it will be. If it has the consistency of oatmeal, that actually sounds pretty normal for someone who hasn't had meta mucil, but is otherwise eating a proper diet. I'd be more concerned if you told me you were having watery liquid poops. For me, I find that sweet potatoes and water melon are the best bulk forming foods outside of that. If you don't want to take meta mucil for whatever reason, eat sweet potatoes instead. But I'd hold off on the watermelon until you've seen you're doctor and know that everything is ok, because I'd be concerned about blockages. I can tolerate it fine and I even used to eat it when I had the ostomy bag, but looking back, I don't think that was smart idea, and I wouldn't be surprised it caused blockages in other people, so be careful if you haven't had it since the surgery. Maybe just try a very small amount and see what happens.
Are you drinking sports drinks like Powerade or Gatorade? With food, they're ok, but I find that if I drink these things, especially in large amounts on an empty stomach, they just go right through me. So if someone is having (what a J poucher would consider diareah) I would wonder if that could be the reason. (I would consider it diareah when it's really unusually loose and there's enough urgency that I have a hard time making it to the bathroom.)
Of course our standard for what we consider diareah, is different from what the standard symptoms are for someone with a colon. That's what I mean.