20 years on the time has come for DH's pouch to go, due to a combination of strictures, ulceration & sepsis. We knew about the sepsis - he's been struggling with abscesses / fistulae for a couple of years. The strictures and ulceration were new news on Tuesday, when he had an endoscopy with the new surgeon he'd been referred to deal with known problems. Let's just gloss over all the endoscopies other people have done and told us 'the pouch looks fine'.
Anyway, new-surgeon-who-does-his-own-endoscopies-and-does-them-properly told him on Tuesday that the pouch is beyond saving but also said that he would leave it in situ and create a new ileo above it.
We have a follow-up phone call tomorrow morning. I want to understand more about the intention to leave the pouch in situ and I'd like your opinions / experiences please.
Given that the existing fistula now seems likely to be a result of the ulceration rather than an unfortunate coincidence, I'm concerned about the chances of that healing with the pouch in situ and the likelihood of DH continuing to experience pain with it and having to continue with the seton, which has been an ongoing nightmare for him. I have a lot more confidence in the new surgeon but no confidence that there'll be a hospital bed available this winter if problems arise (thanks COVID).