I had my first step of my surgery November 18th 2019. My recovery up has been rocky with lots of ups and downs. Having a lot of nausea and weakness; I started fainting ( and I’ve never fainted before in my life) and troubles with appetite and eating
from a few days post-op, I’ve had a lot of fluid still coming from rectum. It’s usually a Clear/brown/pink mucousy fluid with your typical “bowel” smell to it. Depending on the day it’s almost an uncontrollable amount - in the hopdital I literally had to wear diapers and change them constantly because I had no control over it, and at night I have to sleep on towels and puppy pads because I end up having several accidents. I go to the bathroom to “poop” and empty it all out as well as I can several tones a day, and lately I’ve been noticing when wiping, though I have no pain or burning in my rectum or anything other than the odd random bowel cramp, I’ve found the toilet paper has a light bloody discharge on it. It’s not bright or dark red, out it’s varying shades of light and dark pink sometimes. Is all this normal?? I haven’t gone back for any post op scans yet
Also I ate shepherds pie for the first time and ate creamed corn for the first time in years. Today I woke up with just some pressure and nausea - granted I wake up a bit gassy/nauseated every day. I ate a little bit of breakfast and took gas x and a tums. As I sat there the pressure kind of built up and I ended up getting sick. I waited a while and ate some crackers and then some hot tomato soup to hopefully soothe my stomach And went to the bathroom to empty my bag and ended up spewing all of it back up again
I took more tums and drank some water and waited again and ate a normal supper (my mom wanted Chinese) Itd an hour or two later, still don’t have any really output, I just have had a little gas and some thin watery stuff, but currently don’t really feel any pressure or nausea or cramping... should I continue to be worried ? Any suggestions on how I could help push everything out?