It depends on the food I've eaten. Some foods result in stronger odor -- certain fish, eggs, onion, garlic, spicy food, beans (yes, I can eat all these foods, but I waited a year before resuming a normal diet) and even high carb foods, etc. I don't think the odor is any stronger than when I had a real colon.
Try not to worry about the mucus or odor you are producing. Maybe your system just produces more, and no one is the same. I wouldn't try to hold it. I would eliminate it as soon as you feel uncomfortable. I know many people here try to hold it so that their new J pouch can grow in capacity, and that works a lot of times, but I always felt that holding waste can create sore or inflamed tissues because of the acid, and our tissues have already been through so, so much: major surgery, your small intestines being cut in half and moved around to suddenly become a J pouch and be expected to hold acidic stool in a new environment. No wonder those tissues are inflamed and trying to push out anything like mucus. If your nose was running, you'd get a tissue and blow because it's irritating to hold
Your J pouch will learn, slowly, with help from you, to become your new 'colon'. Right now you are very early days and everything is new, scary, unpredictable, you think this is the rest of your life. For me, I remember that everyday brought a new problem and it was exhausting. Around 10 months after takedown (reversal) I suddenly became stronger, healthy, my J pouch matured, and I was able to manage normally. But before that, it was a daily trial. My surgeon told me to be concerned with a lot of blood, fever, vomiting, or nausea, but otherwise focus on recovery and good nutrition. I hope you improve day by day.