hi, i got diagnosed in 96 w uc got on 6mp pred ansil i think it was called, 1sr dr said i was fine just keep taking meds, ended up in hosp at deaths door dr gave me 24hrs 2 live if i didnt get blood in me long had tpn bag whole 9 yards, 35+ polyps on colon, had total colonectomy w jpouch may 2000 take down ayg 2000, was good till around 2010, got fistula and c ton put in 4 about 6 months since then have had 4 abcesses at point of c top closure and many bouts of pouchitis, just went 2 new dr cus my anal canal hurts like hell, im bloaded cant empty anything but liquid and new dr said i had high bacteria in sm int, and closure of anal canal, im freaking out, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN , ANY1?