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hi, i have been having severe pain in, lets say, but release valve, like im crapping razors, tge pain is mostlt when i go bit still hurts like level 8 even sitting, standing, etc, also left side pain, had pouchoscopy,  had j pouch surg w take down in 2000  have had fistula, c ton, and 7vral abscesses near cton was placed, my new gi said something along the way about having shrinkange is all i can think of 4 words right now  brain fog, like scarring i guess that is closing my, release valve, what r my options 4 "stretching or re opening my release valve? I 😰, sprry 4 the long post.,

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Kay, the sensation of “crapping razors” is often a sign of an anal fissure. If that’s what you’ve got it can be treated with cream/ointment containing nitroglycerin, nifedipine, or diltiazem. You can also try cleaning yourself with a spray bottle or bidet instead of toilet paper, and soaking in warm water (a sitz bath) might also help.

Kay, the "shrinkage" sounds like a stricture. This is when some part of your exit is narrowed, and can cause bowel movements to be thin (like a pencil) or very difficult to push out. Don't push because you might cause hemmoroids or more fissures (the feeling of razor blades!). If you can get an appointment with your surgeon or GI, they can stretch your stricture, if that is what you have. Use a bidet bottle, as Scott suggested, after every BM, and no wiping with dry toilet paper. A bidet bottle, and a sitz basin, can be bought at stores that sell home healthcare equipment, or on Amazon for approximately $15 each. Not too expensive, and it can soothe and help heal your bottom.

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