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Does anyone here take an actual potassium supplement? I've always tried to get my potassium through diet, but it's been extremely hot and humid the past several weeks, and because I am now more physically active outdoors, I feel like I need to boost my electrolytes.  The hot weather also seems to make my pouch more active (though this could just be the fact that I'm drinking more fluids). Low potassium was a problem for me when I had UC.  

I'd only anticipate needing to do this during this very hot spell. For any of those who supplement, how much do you take, and how is it best absorbed? Pill form? Liquid? I'm just looking for some ideas, besides frequently chugging coconut water (which goes right through me!). I also don't like sports drinks as an option. Too much sugar and dye for most.

Last edited by Spooky
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I take a prescription version of potassium. It’s POTASSIUM CL ER 20 MEQ TABLET tablet,ER particles/crystals. ( one or 1 1/2 a day)I also take one magnesium pill a day. 

Dehydration is a problem for me, and last summer I ended up in Er. Trying very hard to avoid it . I also drink water With NUNN tablets and salt stick capsules ( both on amazon)

Many doctors have told me that just water is not enough.


Spooky posted:

Does anyone here take an actual potassium supplement? I've always tried to get my potassium through diet, but it's been extremely hot and humid the past several weeks, and because I am now more physically active outdoors, I feel like I need to boost my electrolytes.  The hot weather also seems to make my pouch more active (though this could just be the fact that I'm drinking more fluids). Low potassium was a problem for me when I had UC.  

I'd only anticipate needing to do this during this very hot spell. For any of those who supplement, how much do you take, and how is it best absorbed? Pill form? Liquid? I'm just looking for some ideas, besides frequently chugging coconut water (which goes right through me!). I also don't like sports drinks as an option. Too much sugar and dye for most.


I’ve been having a problem lately with dehydration. My doc recommended pedialyte, I also sometimes take salt stick chewable tabs, they have electrolytes, can be purchased on amazon. 




Thanks for the replies! Pedialyte is something I've tried in the past. Unfortunately if I recall it also had a lot of sugar which is something I do prefer to avoid as it tends to increase my frequency. Sugary drinks especially on warm days go right through me like water.

I neglected to mention in my first post; I'm ideally looking for something that would be portable that I can take with me for a quick boost when I need it, especially because I am more active than I used to be. Potassium chloride is sold as a salt substitute and can be added to drinks and I'm wondering if that's something I can try, I just wouldn't know how much to use.  There are also electrolyte gels and gummies sold for marathon runners/cyclists but again you're dealing with the high sugar issue. I shall continue to investigate!


Last edited by Spooky

Hi Spooky

when I m feeling dehydrated I take a supplement called ‘Hydralite’. Active ingredients per tablet: sodium chloride 87.5mg, potassium chloride 149 mg, sodium bicarbonate 378 mg, citric acid anhydrous 672 mg, and glucose anhydrous 1.62 mg. This can be bought over the counter at a pharmacy in Australia. It’s a tablet you put in a glass of water. This is good for dehydration and feeling unwell in hot weather etc. It can be taken numerous times in a day.  I take it often and it helps me to survive. Good luck. Francesca🌷

Spooky posted:

Thanks for the replies! Pedialyte is something I've tried in the past. Unfortunately if I recall it also had a lot of sugar which is something I do prefer to avoid as it tends to increase my frequency. Sugary drinks especially on warm days go right through me like water.

I neglected to mention in my first post; I'm ideally looking for something that would be portable that I can take with me for a quick boost when I need it, especially because I am more active than I used to be. Potassium chloride is sold as a salt substitute and can be added to drinks and I'm wondering if that's something I can try, I just wouldn't know how much to use.  There are also electrolyte gels and gummies sold for marathon runners/cyclists but again you're dealing with the high sugar issue. I shall continue to investigate!

Pedialyte has very low suger 9g compared to Gatorade which had 34g of sugar. My doc said pedialyte is the closest thing to IV fluids you can get without having to go to ER. I drink a bottle of pedialyte a day.  

Last edited by ytcrockpot

I take 2 tablets of potassium chloride 20 meq ER daily, prescribed by doctor. I take both together in the morning with kefir and then have breakfast. Don't ever take it on an empty stomach, as it can cause gastritis and gastric ulcers.

I also found Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier on Amazon, but haven't tried it yet. It has good reviews. If you enter "ostomy"  on this site in the search bar above the questions section, you'll see many comments from patients who use this. It tastes like lemon-lime, is not carbonated and has a good flavor, according to users. There were also comments about feeling better very quickly after drinking this. After I use this, I'll comment again. Am thinking that if I use this, I might have to cut back to one pot. tablet, as too much potassium can be as much of a problem as too little.

Hello, Spooky. I drink San Pellegrino for all the natural minerals and electrolytes and because it is zero sugar. I don't drink it exclusively; I drink water, tea, soups, but at least once a day, especially in hot weather, I'll have a big glass of San Pellegrino with a wedge of lime. At Costco you can get a case of 12 glass bottles, each bottle 750 ml, for $15, and sometimes a deal with a $4 discount coupon. 

I also sprinkle a bit of sea salt (Costco!) on my food. 

I'm very curious about this thread as I wonder if my electrolytes are low. However, the choices are making my head spin and I am so cautious about taking things given pouch issues. I read potassium chloride can cause ulceration, so safety is a concern.

Any feedback on SaltStick capsules? I wonder about safety. Also, I read San Peligrino can have a slight laxative effect; I suppose that could have just been one person's experience. Any experience with San Peligrino in this regard?

I'm after something with zero sugar, but dislike drinking a salty taste so the SaltStick capsules sounded appealing.


Thanks for all the replies!

I avoid anything with artificial sweeteners. Aspartame actually gives me diarrhea; it did even before my UC diagnosis. 

Regarding potassium chloride and ulceration, my understanding is that taken with food, it should be fine - keep in mind the daily recommendation for potassium is 4,700 mg. Supplements sold over the counter must contain 100mg or less, so the risk of taking too much is very low (unless you are popping half a bottle or so a day).

I'm thinking Pedialyte or coconut water probably is still the best bet for me.  It hasn't been as hot anyway, so I've been feeling better the last few days. I have a GP appointment next week so I'll probably get bloodwork done just to be sure.

I gave San Pelligrino a try yesterday....drank a little more than one 750 ml bottle and about one bottle today. Feeling much better than yesterday. I'm not sure yet if the San Pelligrino is the reason and will try it out a bit longer, but I wanted to share that it seemed to help.

I usually drink 64-80 oz of water, but I think my electrolytes have been insufficient. I am pretty particular about my water not having a "taste," so I was unsure I could tolerate San Pelligrino. It's actually a nice addition and does not have the salty taste I was concerned about. It's especially good chilled with a lime wedge.

I am also going to try SaltStick caps after reading more about them. 

Would be great to have these no-sugar options!

Follow up: Have decided San Pelligrino isn't a regular option due to the bubbles; however, it did seem to quickly resolve leg/foot cramps and very dry lips.

I've started with SaltStick caps instead and that seems to do the trick, as well. Hard to say, but seems I do not need to drink quite as much water to stay hydrated. It's nice that it's very portable, as well.

Aside from taking during exercise, I'm really not sure how many/frequently to take the SaltStick caps for our pouch purposes. I'm taking 1-3/day, depending on how hot it is and activity level. Does anyone have recommendations on this?

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