Scott, yes, with prednisolone suppositories or if those are too difficult to use, foam.
Update - the prednisolone didn't do much for me so I went back on to Cipro and am now on my second month and about to go on a maintenance dose. My bm frequency has reduced recently, I am not sure why. I used to average around 14 a day and now go about 10 times a day. It could be the Cipro but I had already been taking that for a month before my bms reduced. Maybe it just takes a while to act. It could be that my pouch is settling down, after 8 months. I hope so. My muscles are still a problem I think. I tend to leak liquid now and not solid stool, however, which is an improvement.
I had a manometry study test just over 2 weeks ago and am waiting for the results to that. The person who did it said my resting tone may be a little weak but my voluntary squeeze is good, but she needed to work out the figures.
I am still doing the Kegel exercises, but now do them every hour to give my muscles time to rest. I am hoping the inner sphincter is strengthening, giving a better resting tone, and that that is contributing to my reduced bms.
I am not sure whether the inner sphincter which is involuntary (it gives the resting tone and prevents incontinence) can be strengthened with exercises, though? Does anyone know?