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I am 23 years post J-pouch surgery. All that time things have been going pretty well. The past year or so especially I have noticed that I need to "contort" my body a bit (lying on my back with knees up, lying on my belly, etc) while I am going to the bathroom to help evacuate more completely (the change of angles seems to help things).   A couple weeks ago I had an incident where I was trying to go to the bathroom and things got stopped up a bit (this used to happen quite often - and more seriously - when I had active UC) and felt my side go tight...and then felt pretty crappy, even with a very low fever for about an hour, for a day or so. Since then things have remained dodgy - sometimes things evacuate a little more easily, sometimes I get backed up - no nausea, but that "tightness" and don't feel great for a bit. Staying hydrated seems to help. this sounding familiar to anyone? I am guessing that, after all of these years, I may have been slowly developing some adhesion/scar tissues, but I don't know. I am busy trying to get a GI appointment to get this checked out. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

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