Was just wrapping up a ten day course of amoxicilan and took a coiple weight loss pills on the last day. Either that day or the next my poucb began to pretty consitently ache a little bit, frequency increased again and just pure liqiid again. Seemed to line up too well after things were going well up until then. I guess I assumed the problem was bacterial in nature but it really seems like these pills, Vintage burn brand from amazon, triggered a mild pouchitis again, even while still on tbe last day of antibiotics. Is this possible? Maybe im being hard headed and in denial how fragile my pouch is. I ised to be big on emergy pills and supelpments but i think even small amounts might not work anymore. I guess Ill give it a cpupme weeks and then take cipro if I have to. I threw the weight loss pills away as it feels like all its burning is my pouch...