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I thought some of you might find this interesting.  Last year I started having problems with pouchitus that I could not get to go into remission.  I could get it to get better but still have some leaking at night.  I was on a steady regimen of VSL #3 and antibiotics only when it would get really bad.  In November I had a serious blockage that lead to more adhesion surgery and a resection of a spot that was closing up.  Of course during that time I was not eating, just on iv fluids.  Even had the dreaded ng tube a couple of days.  No IV antibiotics were administered just pain meds.  My pouchitus completely went away!  Surgery was in December.  Still no signs of it coming back!  I have gone back to my regular diet pretty much eating whatever I want.  and back to running and doing Yoga.  Also have not gone back to taking the VSL because I was only taking it because of the pouchitus.  I have no idea what made it go away but have a feeling it has to do with no food for several days.  Would love to hear some of your thoughts on this!

Now if I could just figure out how to stop growing scar tissue!

Have a blessed day everyone!

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