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Hi, I have had my J Pouch for around 12 years now. I have NEVER found a consistent way to get a full nights sleep. Depending on my bowel behaviour at any given time/period I can sometimes be woken up by it about 3 or 4 times a night and it ruins me for the next day when i have work.
I would be keen to hear anyone's advice and what they do to combat this


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I know getting up at the most 4 times is alot and it will ruin the next day. I used to get up more than that. 

But even not having a pouch anymore I still get up 1-2 times a night.  It's definitely alot better than it was  I had some serious problems with my pouch. No sleep was one of them. Side effect.  But if you can get it down to 1-2 times a night I think that would be normal and about the best your gonna get. I hope that doesn't sound disappointing.  I get good sleep even getting up twice.  At my age even if I had a healthy colon I'm gonna get up once a night.  And I limit what I drink before bed. How much I drink anyway.

Good luck.  I do hope you can get your nightly interruptions down.  It does wear on a person. I know it does because I went through it for years. 

And sleep is very very important to keep stress levels low. 

(just trying to put things into perspective from a person who had his pouch removed. I do not suggest that to get sleep lol) 


I get up once at around 3 and then once at 7 in the morning when I hit the bed at 12. I am 3 months down with the takedown. I eat high protein, fats diet as they are slow digesting. Mostly nuts, chicken breasts or meat of any othe kind. If I have to eat carbs I make sure I dont overdo. 2-3 slices of brown bread with peanut butter or rice with peanut butter. With that I take 1tsp pysillium husk to keep things consistent.My surgeon said it'll come down to once or none at night in a few months. I think its the husk at work and my routine workouts that help absorb more. I have shifted to evening workouts so that I exhaust myself enough for a good sleep.

Last edited by Raj

Thank you for your comments so far guys. If anything it's reassuring to know 2 or 3 times waking up isn't necessarily abnormal even after all this time. I think my pouch is generally very healthy I just need to perhaps adjust my diet. RAJ said he eats nuts etc I can but in moderation else I find I constantly feel like my pouch wants to explode! I know it sounds horrible but certain foods I need to avoid or keep minimal. Does anyone take sleeping pills?

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