Hello out there I‘ve been a silent reader of all your precious information since my emergency colectomy in 01/2017 and this forum helped me a lot, physically and mentally, even if I was too shy to join for a long time. I was diagnosed with UC in 2015 and although I was never really in remission, I had only two very severe flares before my colon broke in 01/2017 while I was in hospital for several weeks. My whole colon was taken out and I got a j-pouch and a temporary loop ileostomy which was totally devastating to me at that time. I somehow managed to survive the pneumonia and huge inflammation after the surgery and learned to cope with my ileostomy. In 6/2017 I had my takedown surgery and was a very happy poucher until I experienced terrible butt burn, multiple food intolerances and around 15 bowel movements/24h. I still was optimistic and fighting to come back to life even though my health has never been stable (almost permanent inflammation still going on) since my takedown. My j-pouch finally failed for good due to an abscess that turned out to be a fistula about 3 weeks ago and I was told we had to repeat the whole process (temp ileostomy, j-pouch revision, takedown). I was still struggling with these unexpected news when I got a major nerve pain in my lower back/hip which got worse over days and I went back to hospital where they found another big abscess behind the fistula. I had my pouch removed the next day and an end ileostomy created but no barbie butt. I‘m still in hospital and today I am 12 days out of surgery and experiencing a numb and slightly painful sensation in my coccyx. I am having constant rectal discharge which is still slightly bloody and today had a bit of slightly bloody vaginal discharge too, which might be the beginning of my period. Sorry for all this information but the nurse is not being very helpful and my surgeon is on vacation and I am still fighting anxiety after all this unexpected shit. I would be so thankful for your thoughts and advice and I know I don‘t need to explain how I feel right now in this forum as you have all been there. Thank you in advance and best wishes to you all from Germany