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I was diagnosed with UC back in 2003 and after 3 months of failed treatment had my first op to remove my colon. In the space of 4 months I had an additional 2 ops to create my j pouch but after 15 wonderful years it was removed 4 weeks ago due to failure. Predominantly RV fistulas and nightly incontinence made the decision for me. Going into the latest op I was so positive beleiving an end iliostomy would answer all my problems. That's working fine however my abdominal incision became infected and 10 days post op burst open in 4 places. I'm now packing two of the holes daily. I saw my doctor today with a positive mind that my wound looked clean and no infection but basically he said it could burst over the next 3 months regardless of how well I clean and pack. I'm completely depressed now. Will it open up further? How long to heal? Is there anything I can do to stop what he says is inevitable? Experience, support and cheering up much needed. 

Diagnosed UC July 2003

Colon removed and end iliostomy Sept 2003

Loop iliostomy and J pouch created Dec 2003

Take down Jan 2004

RV diagnosed May 2018

J pouch removed and end iliostomy Oct 2018

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Sorry to hear that. Did the doc say he’d sew it back up or that he had a plan other than keep packing it? Not sure if you’re in the US, but I know you can go to a wound care specialist. My mom had surgery on her stomach and it didn’t heal well and kept getting infected. She went to a wound care specialist once a week and they’d change the bandages, scrape out the infection and stuff. I think then doc might be better able to give u an idea on timeline until it heals, etc. hang in there! 

Hi Gemma I had an infection in the incision wound also. Mine opened in a number of places,had a massive hole in the middle that had a synapse to another opening. I started with a wound bag but things worsened and I had a wound pump put on it which was amazing. Had the pump for approx. 10 days and then had it packed every other day for a couple of months. Although the healing felt slow at the time it did heal well and didn't open at all again. However the nurses did keep stressing to be careful - no lifting etc. When it was beginning to heal I did try to take the dressings off each day and leave it open for half an hour while just lying on my bed - nurses advised this and it certainly didn't do any harm. Be warned will itch like mad when healing !!!!! Good luck hope it continues healing with no hiccups xx

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