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Dear all,

Unfortunately, I've had a difficult time with my jpouch thus far.  My reversal resulted in an anastomic leak that has since healed into a entercutaneous fistula.  

As a result I was on TPN until recently.  While I was not eating I would get some liquid bowel movements but they weren't uncomfortable.  Now that I'm eating I'm having high frequency, urgency, and severe anal discomfort. 

My output is quite well formed so, I know I need to drink more water to make BM's easier.  I know all these complaints are quite normal, but my question is in regards to the anal pain/discomfort.


When I have a BM I have an involuntary urge to strain quite hard.  After a BM my anus hurts and has difficulty closing again (ie Patulous Anus).  It stays open only for a little bit but after closing it can still be very uncomfortable.  Baths have helped.  The feeling is just like when I was healthy and had severe diarrhea, after many BMs the anus could feel quite unsettled/open.  But Again I think this is normal, but I've never seen it described as a patulous anus with a similar feeling as when normal people have diarrhea, I just went to confirm if others have similar experiences?

P.s. I'm not talking about butt burn. 

Original Post

Hey thers you've been doing great so far believe me . Its a good thing that your stool is well formed rather than all liquidy . Drink enough just to stay hydrated . Its bery normal to have a strained anus for initial 2-4 weeks. Its eases with passing days. I too couldnt clear up in visit in initial days. Even when I used to get a good urge only a little would come out and my muscles would just contract back making it very painfull . As soon as I'd get back to bed the same urge would come back . I suggest you just hold as much as you can until you feel like you can no more . Do kegels and sphincter muscle exercise all day. You can do them even while walking . Use baby wipes instead of toilet paper to clean up. Just watch an average time between your visits any try increasing it little everyday . Once you go less it wont hurt that badly believe me.  Now the only pain I have is the stiches from the surgery when I go the bathroom. 

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