Hi all! It’s been a while since I posted. I’ve been feeling really great, mostly due to the great advice I always get whenever I read these forums. However, I’m back for advice about a suspected blockage. On Thursday night I was eating dinner and had a sudden, sharp, cramping pain right below my rib cage, directly in the middle. I thought it was just cramps or even a severe stomachache (haven’t had one of those in a long time, so it’s hard to remember what they feel like!), but the pain was too high and worsened through the night. On Friday morning I could hardly walk down the hallway without doubling over in pain, clutching my abdomen. It was then that I noticed very watery output, as if I had a blockage. The pain seemed to shift lower as the day went on, so I assumed the blockage was making its way down, and by the evening, I had such increased frequency that I was in the bathroom with watery output every 30-45 minutes. I had a liquid dinner then slept very poorly, getting up every two hours to go. This morning I was having waves of pain in the upper abdomen again, just like the first night. I stuck with a liquid diet for breakfast and lunch and will most likely be doing that for dinner as well since I’m not feeling any better. A heating pad provides soothing and comfort but not necessarily relief. The pain is definitely worse when I’m up and moving around. Yesterday it was 7/10 on the pain scale. Today the waves of pain are probably 4/10. It’s going to be hard to tell if a blockage has cleared if I’m stuck on a liquid diet because everything will be watery in the bathroom until I add solids. Do I risk adding solids tonight or tomorrow to see if they’ll go through? Would blockage pain be felt so high in the abdomen? I was scared that it might be pancreas related (I had pancreatitis for a couple months back in 2009), but the pain doesn’t get worse when I breathe in and it’s not radiating to my back at all. What do you think is going on? And lastly, I’m super dehydrated from the increased frequency and I saw that someone posted not to drink Gatorade (or G2, the sugar free kind). What other sugar free electrolyte replenishment product should I be drinking?
Thanks for any and all advice.