I hope someone can offer some advice or relay their experince of a Pouch-Vaginal Fistula.
I had my J-Pouch surgery in October 2015. All was fine until October 2017 when I had my first Pouchitis flare up. Ever since then I haven’t been ‘normal’. I have been leaking pus like discharge from my vagina for around 3 months now. This was originally diagnosed as a Bartholin’s Cyst but I’m sure it isn’t.
I have had an appointment today with a colorectal surgeon who has confirmed my concerns. He believes that I do have a PV Fistula and I am due an MRI scan to confirm this later on this week.
My worst fear is reverting back to an Ileostomy. I lived 8 months of hell with it prior to having my J-Pouch and the thought of living with one again doesn’t bear thinking about. My surgeon thinks that this will likely be the route, even if it is temporary. I have UC but he wonders whether I actually have Crohns now. I did have tests for CD prior to my pouch surgery and all confirmed it was UC at the time.
I would be really grateful for any advice or hearing from anyone who has been through a similar situation and what the outcome was.