Hello everyone! I recently had surgery (8 weeks ago) to repair a rectovaginal fistula that I have had for 10 years. (It was within the last two years when I was hospitalized twice for severe pelvic inflammatory infections that they figured out I actually had the fistula.) I have had discharge from the vaginal canal every day since surgery but it was not that significant. Over the last week it seems to be several times a day everyday and it is making me nervous that the fistula repair is not working. I have a good surgeon but you know how they can be with communication sometimes. This may be totally normal and part of the healing process. Does anyone have any experience with this surgery and could should some light on what "healing" is going to entail? I am in no pain, just this discharge (leaking sensation) from the vaginal canal. I have a ileostomy while the fistula heals and I had a flap advancement done to repair the fistula. My fistula was very small and not infected. Having said that, even though it was small, it was active and was life altering for me so I was thrilled with the option to get rid of it. Thank you for any advice you can give me!
My background; Diagnosed with UC in September 1998, (21 years old) J-pouch surgery June 3, 1999 (22 years old) The only issue I have had is this small rectovaginal fistula (surgery at 40 years old) The pouch has been great and is still in great shape. Minimal scare tissue from the actual surgery. Repeated PID infections (although undetected until the last two years) for the last 10 years has caused significant damage to my fallopian tubes. As a result I have been unable to have children. Fallopian Tubes removed 8 weeks ago during the fistula repair surgery in attempt to stop the PID infections.